Hurrah! Your bouncing baby has become a toddler!
Just when you thought you were sort of getting to grips with caring for your baby he / she enters “toddlerdom”. Welcome to the world of wilful energy, innocent curiosity, cute smiles and noisy tantrums.
Suddenly parenting requires a fresh set of skills to address a different set of challenges. Suddenly your tolerance levels for mess, noise, accidents and interruptions are pushed to the max. Marianne Fernandez, a UK based Christian mum and Maternity Coach has been there – recently!
This series of Mums Chat looks at 4 common challenges that mums can face during this time and offers a biblical boost as you go about your day with your busy little person. As usual each stand alone video comes with a recommended contemporary Christian song, chosen just for you, to lift you even higher. See the credits at the end of each video for details of something special.